October 5, 2020

Cancer patients will be examined at PET-centers in Moscow using a new radiopharmaceutical agent

Moscow has started using a new radiopharmaceutical agent for a more accurate diagnosis of prostate cancer.

About  37,000 patients with prostate cancer are under the observation of  Moscow doctors. Recurrence of cancer is identified in at least 30% of  cases. Diagnostics is complicated by the fact that not all methods of  diagnostic radiology detect new malignant cells at a low level of  prostate-specific antigen (PSA). The lower the antigen level, the more  difficult it is to detect malignant cells. Besides that, positron  emission computed tomography is one of the most expensive methods of  diagnostic radiology, which makes diagnostics not easily available for  patients.

The  state program of the city of Moscow for healthcare development has  solved the problem and introduced the newest internationally recognized  method of diagnostics to state budget-funded medical facilities. Moscow  Positron Emission Tomography Centers have started using a new  radiopharmaceutical agent based on the ultra-short-lived radioactive  isotope fluorine-18 (fluorine-18-PSMA), which provides more  opportunities for diagnostics. The study is being conducted within the  framework of the Moscow territorial compulsory medical insurance  program. It means that patients are diagnosed free of charge. Urologists  and oncologists of city medical facilities and federal centers located  in Moscow, refer patients for examination to PET-centers.

Original article here https://medium.com/@s.samburskiy/moscow-has-started-using-a-new-radiopharmaceutical-agent-for-a-more-accurate-diagnosis-of-prostate-aeeaf3b1497
